Friday, December 24, 2010

Have faith in Him.


I've been noticing something extraordinary amongst us Muslims. Though they also 'threaten' the Christians, but Muslims seem to be the one more 'inclined' or concerned in that sense. The all-seeing-eye, pyramids, American dollar note.. yaa, some of you may already know what i'm gonna say. Yes, illuminati.

I can see many Youtubers, uploading their what-they-believed stories. Indeed some of them are true whereas some are just a mere coincidence. I'm not condemning any of them, in fact, I know that they are just concerned about what this world may turn out in the near future, and they just want us to be prepared, that is with the New World Order(NWO). However, from the videos itself, some of them are just inviting trouble, with the words they used.

I know that internet has since been very influential in the world. It is as if, without it, we can hardly live. However, don't you think it is better to educate our child first about these things rather than emphasising it on the net? I mean, words of mouth can spread even faster than the internet. Isn't it just 'okay' to say that there are just too many videos on the net? I mean, if we could think it as a whole, don't these too-many-videos are just plain 'irritating' to some of the teenagers? Indeed at this age, we teenagers seem to want to know more of these things, but if there are just too many of them, just where can we start from? The arrivals? Age of Dajjal? The revivals? Some even went to the extent of COPYING the same whole thing, and made it 'his' video. I'm not saying you can't even post videos regarding illuminism, but could you please at least, 'copy' it for the sake of making people understand it better, that is, make the words simpler, more comprehensive and not merely copying it and 'paste' it. Well, i won't stop you from uploading new videos regarding illuminism, but i just wanna highlight, or suggest something that may make you consider in putting these to your videos or descriptions...
"My this video is merely a concern, you may want to watch mine, or the others. Ultimately, Qur-aan is still the most you have to seek followed by the Hadeeth. Allaahu A'lam."
At least by doing that, u do not just do a favour to the youngsters, but also the elders. Well, the internet is not monopolised by teenagers alone right? You can still use the mass media internet to engage people's awareness of the surroundings, but do bear in mind to not use enraging, or provocative words in ur 'post' such as in your Facebook status.
For example, " Boycott Starbucks! Stop the NWO! Say NO to Coca Cola! "
Please stop these kind of things. Even if it's true, do you really think this works? Or do you just do it for the sake of following others? Well, if you really think all these should be done, that is to say provocative words to tell people, then think again. You will soon realise that everything, right from your very own t-shirt to your shoes. All gotta do with Illuminati. Even the favourite music/song you hear. For example Maher Zain. Though his songs are Islamic-based, have a look at his labels, that is Awakening Records. 'Google' on it. I'm not saying it's directly dealing with Illuminati, but just think of the logo. Why must a one-eye appear on the logo, is it really a just mere coincidence, or is it of a deliberate attempt? Think. Still not satisfied? Have a look at one of the artistes associated with Awakening Records, Ashar Khan. Google it and you will know what i mean. Why must they 'highlight' just an eye? Whatever it is, just pray for the best. Make supplications. Have faith in Him. Remember, no matter how good a song may be, it can't still beat the Qur'an.

Do take note that no matter how much 'secrets' they may hold, and we know not any of them, Allah still already knows it. Indeed. Take a look at the 9th Surah in the Qur-aan, التوبة, verse 78:-
"Know they not that Allah knows their secret ideas, and their Najwa (secret counsels), and that Allah is the All-Knower of the unseen."
Hence, do not feel agitated by all these agendas and such. Have complete faith in Him, Allah.
With that,

Tuesday, December 21, 2010



Entah kenapa, hatiku tergerak untuk menulis tentang sesetengah 'ustaz' di negara jiranku. Kadang-kadang, aku benar-benar tersentak. Apa yang sebenarnya ingin dimaklumkan oleh pihak itu? Aku lihat di Youtube, ada yang membuat video, mengutuk ustaz-ustaz yang dianggapnya sebagai 'Wahhabi' dengan meletakkan subjeknya sebagai, " akhlak ustaz 'Salafi' Rasul Dahri ". Keaiban ustaz itu diserlahkannya. Terdapat satu lagi video, yang membingungkan, mengenai keberadaan Allah, juga berkaitan dengan ustaz yang digelar sebagai Wahabi itu.

Kukunjungi blog 'Abu Syafiq'. Astaghfirullah, berbagai tohmahan dilemparkan kepada beberapa individu yang digelarnya sebagai Wahhabi. Kulihat di sebelah kiri, di bahagian yang menunjukkan keterangan singkat mengenai dirinya, dia mengaku sebagai seorang pensyarah. Aku sangkal dakwaan itu. Bukankah seseorang ustaz itu harus menunjukkan sikap yang positif dalam kehidupan hariannya? Aku sedar tidak semua insan sempurna, tiada manusia yang dapat lari dari membuat kesalahan, tapi apa yang ditulis di blognya benar-benar tidak menunjukkan keterampilannya sebagai seorang pensyarah, atau ustaz sebagai keseluruhannya.

Untuk makluman ramai, aku sudah lama 'memerhatikan' blog ini. Bayangkan jika aku ialah seorang mualaf, atau pada lain, seorang yang baru bertukar agama ke Islam. Sesungguhnya dakwaan-dakwaan yang dilemparkannya, kebanyakan mempunyai potensi untuk memecah-belahkan umat Islam. Di atas, terang-terang menulis ISLAM vs WAHABI. Seseorang itu akan secara langsung berfikiran, "Bukankah Islam satu agama yang damai, mengapa Islam harus saling lawan-melawan?"

Selain itu, aku dapati bahawa hujjah-hujjah yang ditunjukkannya, boleh dikatakan kesemuanya, tidak berasas sama sekali. Hampir kesemua atau semua hanya bersuarakan latar dan gambar, dan bukan secara video yang sebenar. Nah.. di sini, kita dapat nilai di mana kesahihannya. Dalam tulisannya bertarikh 18 Disember 2010, dia mengatakan bahawa Ustaz Asri ialah Syiah. Astaghfirullah. Pernahkan Dr. Asri mengaku sedemikian? Na'uuzhubillahi min zhaalik.

Banyak lagi fitnah telah dilemparkannya. Melalui blog ini, aku ingin tekankan pada para pembaca, agar sentiasa berhati-hati tika mengunjungi blog-blog sebegini. Usah terpengaruh dengan hujjah-hujjah yang disampaikannya. Rujukilah Al-Qur-aan dan Hadith.
" Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan pada kamu dua perkara tidak akan kamu sesat selama kamu berpegang dengan keduanya: (iaitu) Kitab Allah(Al-Qur-aan) dan Sunnah Rasulnya. " - Hadith riwayat Maalik.

Berikut adalah blog-blog yang harus diawasi ramai:-



Sekian daripada saya,

Sunday, December 19, 2010



O Allah. it's nearing. the O level results.i am not prepared.. yet. just hope that everybody that 'happens' to be there, watching us getting our results, will not look down on us. i am really scared, afraid of the moderation thingy, what's more i know i didn't really give my all out in it, the O level examinations. i know i can do better. well, what i meant was, i was too nervous i forgot many of the points i revised. it was all in my head i know, but just when the time given was 15 mins to the end, i was like, " YA ALLAH ! how can i possibly finish off the rest of this? "

problem i was having.. time management.

Ahh.. i just don't know how to really control first i thought since it was a major examination, i'll be all set, ready. but i just can't. i know anyone reading this post of mine will certainly think that i was just blabbering as i'm afraid my results will be bad. but just imagine, to whom can u really confide besides Allah and u urself. nobody really understands you. only u yourselves know better. i just wrote onto this blog as i feel i can deliver my feelings well, besides having the interest to improve my language.

and the reason why i didn't make this blog private is simply because i want people to correct my language.. and not specifically written to make people sympathises with me..

nah.. forget about it.. i just can't imagine this. how in the world can i further my studies in a 'conmortable zone' if i were to get bad results? Where am i to go? I just don't know, i'm not looking down on ITEs, but it's just that i'm afraid i can't adapt to its surroundings.the school is good no doubt, with all the courses etc. but it's just that i'm afraid i'll get 'outcast' in that sense. As for polytechnics, sumtimes, i just don't know, am i a 'hands-on'-person, or am i a theoretical person, in the sense where i prefer studying over practical thingy. well i think i can only decide of which when i really get my results.. O Allah let there be a miracle.

ps: do pray for me..:)

Till then,

Monday, December 13, 2010



Aku dilahirkan putih. Kulitku cerah, sampaikan ada bangsa asing yang mengingat aku adalah anak kepada bangsa Cina. Ibu bapaku pernah menceritakan padaku tentang jururawat-jururawat yang gemar bermain-main dengan rambutku yang kerinting. Pada usia 7-9 tahun pula, kakak-kakak senior mencubit-cubit pipiku. Alhamdulillah, ianya masih segar di ingatan. Waktu itu, apakan daya aku. Hanya biarkan saja. haha.. Tatkala itu, aku masih kecil, masih pendiam, malu-malu lagi. Begitu pantas masa berlalu. Kini, usiaku 17.

Semakin aku membesar, aku mula sedar. Satu demi satu pemberian Tuhan mula 'diambil' semula. Mungkin seketika, mungkin saja hingga ajal aku temui. Mulanya, aku berasa pelik. Mana kulitku yang cerah? Mana sifat pendiamku? Abang-abangku pun ada yang semakin gelap, tapi tidaklah segelap aku. Bila kulihat diriku di cermin, hari semakin hari, wajahku seperti orang Afrika.hehe.. ditambah pula dengan rambutku yang kerinting. Wadduh!

Namun, hari demi hari juga, aku semakin matang. Aku mula sedar akan kepentingan bersyukur. Dengan secara langsung, perkara ini membuatku lebih menghargai seseorang bukan melalui warna kulit. Sebaliknya, keluhuran hati. Bak kata pepatah, "Yang indah itu bahasa, yang baik itu budi."

Dahulu, aku kerap berfikiran bahawa mereka yang berkulit cerah adalah mereka yang beruntung dan sangat bertuah. Setelah aku mula mengalami perubahan sebegini, aku mula faham. Apalah ada pada warna kulit kalau akhlaknya begitu jauh dari apa yang disyariatkan agama.

Allah tidak mungkin akan mengadili seseorang berdasarkan warna kulit. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Adil. Kupanjatkan syukur padaMu Ya Allah. Semoga aku dapat menjadi insan yang tunak bersyukur pada segala kehendakMu, insyaAllah.

Kulihat sentiasa di kaca televisyen masih ramai manusia bergelimpangan dengan ada yang bertiadakan rumah dan berbaring beralaskan debu. Rawan hati ini melihat tragedi musibah yang mereka alami. Jika diberi peluang, aku ingin sekali membahagiakan mereka. Aku ingin melihat senyuman terukir di bibir mereka. Tawa mereka begitu mahal. Aku tidak dapat menahan sebak tika melihat mereka bersendirian, tanpa perlindungan ayah mahupun ibu mereka. Ingin sekali kutidur bersama mereka, memeluk, memanjakan mereka.

Suara sepi, jeritan batin tiada didengar. Dunia seakan memejamkan mata. Manusia bertebaran di lantai, dengan peluru seakan 'melekat' di badan. Bayi, ibu, anak-anak kecil, semuanya digulingkan. Nilai kemanusian sudah pupus, sudah mati. Bilakah dunia ini akan aman? Bagaikan pepasir di pantai, tenang tanpa tekanan. Ditiup angin ia bertebaran, dibawa air, ia berlarian. Oh Allah, permudahkanlah urusan mereka.

Kita yang di Singapura, begitu bermanjakan hidup yang nian aman.. tiada banyak musibah. Alhamdulillah. Walaupun begitu, kudapat lihat justeru ramai, hatta yang beragama Islam, begitu mudah melanggar atur cara atau hukum-hukum Islam yang boleh dianggap basics. Ya Allah, berilah petunjukmu pada mereka yang masih dahagakan hidayahmu.

Sebelum aku mengakhiri kalamku ini, aku ingin merayu pada sekalian insan termasuk diriku agar sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada. Ingatlah mereka yang susah. Sesungguhnya hidup di dunia ini hanyalah sementara. Kita tidak tahu bila ajal kita akan sampai. Ya Allah, semoga aku digolongkan dalam orang-orang yang beriman kelak.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Pre-U or Poly; do we really have a choice?


First of all, i would like to highlight why did i write 'Pre-U' instead of just 'JC'. As a Madrasah student, of course, at the very least i do have some interests in the theologic. Well, no matter how much pressure being put on me regarding the limited jobs available for those taking up the theologic, i am still what i am.

Main reasons for having some kinda reluctance in pursuing studies at the national school i.e.(or specifically) JC or MI:-
  • The way of life. I wouldn't say life at JC is too social. It's just how they, i mean, as a multi-racial society, adapt to the surroundings. I know some of us, don't really care about being touched by the opposite genders, but just imagine, a guy or gal from a religious school, specifically Madrasah, being suddenly exposed to these kind of things. It will of course take a lot of courage for them to really adapt to the surroundings. 
  • The language used. Even in madrasah, we do still learn English, and yaa.. we still speak in english, where needed. I read in the Poly or JC website, everyone (in her JC specifically) seems to be speaking in English, even with their own races. Indeed this puzzles me. Shouldn't we be proud of our own mother tongue? What's more, issues regarding the use of mother tongue languages are 'rising'. People seem to be more contented upon speaking in English rather than their own languages.
I'm not saying we can't speak in English at all. Don't you think it is 'awful' to be able to speak in languages not our mother tongue's more fluent than our own languages? Shouldn't we adapt to the surroundings? For example, when speaking to the other races, speak in english, as it is the 'middle' language, or in other term, a lingua franca. However, speak in your language (i.e.: your mother tongue) when you're with your own races. Don't tell me you're gonna communicate with ur grandmother or grandfather in English ( in the case where they aren't able to speak in English)?

The title states 'Pre-U or Poly; do we really have a choice?' I wrote as such because indeed we may plan, but it is He who decides. Don't you think so? I mean, indeed we can study relentlessly and such, but sometimes, things just don't go our way.. Allahu A'lam.

Personally, i don't really have anything on my mind to be regard as an ambition or such. What i know is, I love to interact with people, know others' mind. Debating is one of my favourites. Thus, are there any suitable jobs that cater to all that i like? I don't think so. Therefore i think, any course, job is pleasant as long as we put our hearts into it. Sometimes we may not like it at first, but as time passes, we ourselves come to acknowledge it.
"Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know." - Al-Baqarah, Verse 216.
Polytechnics. Indeed everyone seems to like it. The way of life, no pressures(sure not??), no uniforms and most importantly, no 'strict' rules. Everything seems pleasant. But have you not heard of people dropping from what they called 'the freedom school'?

Hence, i really really don't think that there are any tertiary instituitions that are so relaxing in that sense. If everything is so relaxing, you wouldn't see people having difficulties in searching for a suitable job.hmm..

I am not comdemning any polytechnics or JCs. My intention of writing all these are to make those people and me myself realise what actually is a Polytechnic and Pre-U, and not merely wanting to go to that instituition because of what friends noted.

Frankly, i myself am not sure of whether to go to Polytechnics or Pre-U. Worst, i don't even know what i really wanna be in the near future. Till now, i just flipped thru the JAE booklet, hoping to see something that captures my heart. InsyaAllah.

Pre-U, JC, Polytechnics, ITE. You choose.

That's all for now. I hope my this writing may be a some sort of 'soul searching' in that sense, not just for you, but for me as well.
ps.: for those still having some sort of confusion, of whether to go to Poly(s) or JC(s), i would suggest you to go to this website

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Aku rindu mereka.


Kebelakangan ini, aku tiba-tiba disambar memori bersama rakan-rakanku sewaktu di bangku sekolah. Aku rindu duduk sebelah Dayyan dan Khair Amran. Aku rindu duduk belakang Wazir. Aku rindu makan bersama Iswandi, Saddam serta Ilyas. Aku rindu qiyam bersama mereka. Walaupun aku jarang berqiyam pada tahun sudah, aku mengecualikannya pada tahun ini, iaitu tahun terakhir kita bersama.

Teringat pula aku saat aku cuba 'challenge' Matematik Wazir. Pada mulanya, aku mahu 'challenge' semua matapelajaran, lama-kelamaan, hanya satu saja aku pilih iaitu Matematik. Cuba punya cuba, aku asyik kalah dengannya. Namun, aku tahu kegagalan adalah langah pertama menuju kejayaan. InsyaAllah.

Dalam subjek Bahasa Melayu pula, saingan utama aku ialah Hidayat. Aku akan selalu bertanya kepadanya, " Berapa kau dapat? " Kadang-kadang aku menang, selap-selap aku kalah. Namun, aku kerap tertanya, " Pernahkah dia menanyakan markah aku atau yang lain?"

Aku mula sedar kebanyakkan orang yang pandai, tidak gemar menanyakan markah orang lain. Sebaliknya, mereka menanyakan pada diri mereka, apakah mereka sudah cecah sasaran mereka.

Aku terkenang saat aku ditanya Mdm Yanis, apakah aku mahu menjadi hos untuk acara 'Student Leader Investiture'. Dengan pantas aku menjawab, "Ya."

Alhamdulillah. Aku mendapat maklum balas yang membangun. Terima kasih sekalian guru. Mulai saat itu, aku mendapat pelbagai tawaran, dari menjadi hos hingga narator. Aku amat berterima kasih. Syukurku dihadapkan pada yang Kuasa.

Aku tidak dapat menahan sebak pada hari terakhir kita. Akulah orang pertama dalam kelas yang menitiskan air mata saat Mr. Esmadi memberi 'kata-kata terakhir'. Aku tidak dapat menahan. Kenangan demi kenangan menyinggah ke aku. Aku ingat lagi saat Mr Esmadi mengatakan, "Do you think i look forward to tomorrow (i.e. our last day) ?"

Butiran mutiara yang mengumpul di mataku mula gugur. Aku rindu saat aku datang ke sekolah untuk belajar bersama. Aku rindu tika kudatang ke sekolah hanya untuk menghias kelasku. Iswandi benar pabila dia menyatakan yang aku tidak mahu menghias kelasku sangat pada tahun ini kerana takut berasa amat sedih.

Aku rindu saat ktia bertukar-tukar kelas untuk pelajaran Matematik. Rindu aku menanya-nanya soalan pada rakan-rakan dan Mr. Roslan. Terima kasih Sir, dan rakan-rakan.

Semoga mereka iaitu rakan-rakanku, dapat membaca atributku atau dalam istilah inggerisnya, 'tribute' yang telah kusiapkan bulan November lalu menerusi blog ini. Untuk melihatnya, sila ke Blog Archive di sebelah kiri, bawah bulan November. Atau klik saja pada link berikut: My male schoolmates

ps.: Terima kasih kuucapkan pada sekalian rakan serta guruku kerana mampu untuk menerima aku seadanya. Tidak dapat kubayangkan di luar nanti. Apakah nasibku akan serupa baik tika bersama kamu semua?

Sampai di sini saja tulisanku kali ini.
Semoga berjumpa lagi di lain kesempatan.

An experience like no other.


(Based on what took place on December 2nd)

Woke up at about 10 in the morning. Felt really sleepy still. After washing up and all, i lay down on the daybed and switched the television on. Just as i was about to switch it to other channels, the telephone rang. My mother picked it up and it was Naufal, my 4th brother. He called in to say that there is good news. I was fortuitious, fortunate. I was asked to go to Raffles Place for an interview, as a warehouse assistant or warehouse logistics thingy.

I then dressed up and quickly went for the interview. Reached there at about 12 or so if i'm not mistaken. I was called up by the interviewer at about 12:45pm. I was so nervous i accidentally 'give' my hands to her when she asked for a shake. Astaghfirullah. Just as i was touching her fingertips, i realised, "I can't do this!" I quickly pull my hands off, politely. I really, really felt guilty afterwards. This was the second time since the first at the New York Skin Solutions. Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah. O Allah, please.. forgive this servant of yours.

This is mainly one of the reasons I don't want or have the reluctance to further my studies at a national school, i mean, as a secular student. I just don't have the courage to say, "Sorry, I can't shake hands with the opposite gender."

The interview was alhamdulillah though the interviewer was schocked when seeing me having no experience whatsoever in the working field.haha..

I was then asked to go to Potong Pasir by the agency, for another interview, with the company i'll be working with insyaAllah. After much walking, even to the extent when i thought i was lost, i finally arrived at the specified location. I make 2 U turns. First was from the bus stop where i walked all the way, turning here and there, across the road, take up the bridge etc.. and finally realised, " THIS WAS THE VERY SAME PLACE(bus stop) AS JUST NOW ." Except that it was a lil bit far away. like.. tet..seriously.. haha...

(Second) I then felt over the moon upon seeing the signboard that states, "Moonstone Lane." That means i was really nearing that place. I go up the hill, down the hill, cross the road and all.. only to find out that the place was just in front of the first signboard that states, "Moonstone Lane." I was already there in the first place! but.. nah, forget it, at least i was lucky to have found an air-conditioned mimimart.:)

The guy was 'okay' i can say. He had kinda warned me to be prepared to sweat.haha..InsyaAllah i can handle it.:)

Currently waiting for the call to be accepted or otherwise..

ps: i won't dare state the pay offered here..
Till here then,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pengalaman mengejut.


Tadi siang, aku ke Iman Kindergartens yang terletak di Tampines. Sangkaku sudah lewat sangat. Maklumlah, masa yang ditetapkan hanya sejam iaitu dari dua hingga tiga petang. Aku pun bergegas lari. Aku menghembuskan rasa lega tika lihat '136', iaitu nombor blok tadika itu. Dalam perjalanan, aku merentasi berbagai kedai runcit. Pada mulanya, aku cuba menahan rasa dahagaku. Namun, setibanya aku di kedai kedua terakhir (jika tidak silap), mataku bersinar-sinar.. TAWARAN... haha... aku pun mencekup sebotol air yang padahal bukan dalam tawaran, lalu membayarnya di tempat juruwang.

Setibanya aku di Iman Kindergartens, penyambutnya memberiku SEBOTOL air... haha...daa menjadi dua..

Sesi itu berlangsung lebih kurang setengah jam saja. Alhamdulillah, aku sempat berkenalan dengan dua rakan dari sekolah pemerintah. Akibat terlalu 'anti-sosial', aku tergamam seketika pabila mendapati yang mereka lebih biasa bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris. Alhamdulillah, aku dapat mengatasinya, walaupun tidak sepenuhnya. Mereka mempunyai gaya yang unik boleh kukatakan. Ada yang satu, jika tak silap, Syakir, berbual dengan penuh tenang dan berkeyakinan tinggi. Dari sudut pandanganku, aku dapat merasakan yang dia ialah seseorang yang matang dan akan mempunyai masa depan yang cerah.

Lagi satu pula, cenderung kepada bidang muzik. Cara dia berbual, juga membuatku rasa amat rendah. Selain fasih serta lancar bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris, dia mempunyai semangat yang amat jitu. Kami bertiga berbicara dalam bahasa inggeris sepanjang perjalanan, daripada stesen bas, dalam bas hinggan turun bas. Tika berbual, aku benar-benar rasa 'rendah'. Bagaimana mungkin aku bisa menyesuaikan diriku apabila berdepan dengan orang awam tika di sekolah nasional atau pemerintah nanti ?

Ibarat tamparan hebat yang singgah ke pipiku. Sangkaku bahasa inggeris aku sudah cukup memuaskan dari segi perbualan. Walaupun tidak terlalu gagap, namun ia amat berbeza saatku berbicara dengan rakan sekolahku. Mungkin, tidak dapat nafikan aku mempunyai daya keyakinan yang amat rendah. Aku cuma rasa yakin pabila kubersama handaiku. Bukanlah bermaksud mereka tidak pandai, cuma perasaan yang menyelubungi diriku sewaktu berbual bersama orang awam dan rakan sekolah, amat berbeza. Hanya Allah sahaja yang memahami kata-kataku ini.

Dukacita dimaklumkan aku tidak mampu untuk memikul tanggungjawab yang ditetapkan. Iaitu sebagai 'Teacher's Aide'. Aku tidak dapat bayangkan bekerja dalam keadaan runsing. Maklum sajalah, lagi beberapa hari (hari bekerja mula pada awal bulan Januari), akan menjelang hari yang dinanti-nantikan ramai dengan penuh debaran. Keputusan O level.

Semoga aku dapat pekerjaan dalam masa terdekat. InsyaAllah.

Sampai disini saja luahan hatiku sebagai insan biasa. Manusia yang hanya menginginkan kebahagian di samping kesederhanaan.