2 things to be stated. One good and another, the contrary. First up, the good news.
Alhamdulillah, I was selected to represent the school in the upcoming 'Peraduan cakap petah' at Madrasah Al-Ma'arif Al-Islamiah. Indeed i was speechless upon hearing my name being announced. I don't know if i could really do it. This is my first time. Representing the school means a lot, it is a big responsibility. I am holding the school's name. I shouldn't take this lightly. I have to prepare myself. Everything's gonna be fine, InsyaAllah. Guide me friends. Do make supplications for me.
That's the pleasant piece. Now, the opposite.
H1 Mathematics. I don't know, for some reason, i'm thinking of dropping from that very subject. On Friday, we were given the first test. It's a mere test, and will not be concluded in the result slip. However, I did badly. Though the results aren't out yet, I know, for sure, I'll be getting a single digit number or even, a Zero. This is because my mind were not there. I don't know, for some reason, my mind just deserted me at that moment. I was shocked myself. I could do the worksheets given and all, but just that, just that day.. I couldn't do it.
Just imagine, I was forming a new equation from equation (1), yet upon substituting, i substituted it into equation (1) back. !@##$%^&*)( How I wish i could re-take that test back. I don't mind if the questions were altered. I don't mind getting a bad result if i really don't know how to do it. At least i could still ask for help, but this time around, i clearly know the 'concept' and all. Just that, maybe i was putting too much thought on the Cakap Petah competition.
Zulzawaid said it was normal to fail during the first test, or even for the upcoming tests. The word is 'Careless' and not 'don't-know-how-to-do-it'. Not just him, but many others too advised me to rethink about dropping the subject. It's kinda vital. Thank you all. I'll just treat this a lesson not to be repeated.
With that,
Sebagai seorang hamba, aku sedar yang kesempurnaan secara tuntas itu tidak mungkin akan kukecapi. Kupanjatkan syukur atas kurniaan rezeki yang tidak pernah lupus dalam hidup. Justeru, aku hanya menginginkan kebahagian di samping kesederhanaan. Semoga Allah memberkati hidupku.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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Assalamua'alaikum... Alhamdulillah, feel much better now. My male schoolmates , let's begin.. 1) Dayyan : The archer. The whole ...
Assalamu'alaikum, Adakala, aku tertanya sendiri, apa sebenarnya takrifan bagi sesuatu yang dinilai baik itu. Sebagai seseorang yang ...
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum, Sebenarnya aku pun tidak tahu bagaimana harus aku mula dengan tulisanku ini. Terlalu bany...
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