Monday, November 29, 2010

Love creatures for the sake of the Creator.


Sometimes, i'm bewildered. Why do some people kinda have this 'hate feeling' inside their hearts? Are they not humans, or are they themselves perfect? Verily, not even a perfectionist is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes.

There was once when the companions asked the prophet (as a result of pressures put on them by non-Muslim) to make a prayer, comdemning the enemies of Islam. In response, the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said,
" I did not come for condemnation; I came as a mercy."
The prayer he made against his fiercest enemies was as follows:
" O my Lord! They know not! Give them guidance! "

Is it possible to find a parallel example of humanity and kindness in world history?

Remember, Muhammad (pbuh) was the most excellent example of mercy. Though many may say that he was such as he was the prophet, but didn't he also 'istighfar' many times per day? He's a prophet mind u, and yet he did that. Why is it so hard for us to forgive others? In the past, I did kinda hate quite a few people. Not to mention my telling others of my hatred towards him or them. As time passes, i began realising the importance or the joy of forgiving or accepting others. It is a one-of-a-kind feeling. U do not just feel happy for who you are, but also for the fact that you can easily 'accept' others with an open heart, which many may have some difficulties in doing so.

If you have read the 'Daily Reflections for Highly Effective TEENS', you may have come across this note, Habit 5: Seek First to understand, then to be understood. If you then turn to page 226 for the August 12's notes/reflections, you will see this:-
" No matter how hard people may appear on the surface, most everyone is tender inside and has a desperate need to be understood. "
Therefore, no matter how tough one may appear on the outside, he or she may not be as such on the inside.

Be civilised. Be rational. That's my last say for today. With that,

Friday, November 26, 2010

Adat resam kehidupan.


Setarek lahir, kita dibekalkan ilmu serta agama. Pelbagai macam sudah diajarkan. Menghormati, melayan tetamu dengan baik, bersenyum dan sebagainya. Tiada titik noktah pada ilmu yang ditunjukkan.

Tidak dapat dinafikan kita sering dicuba dengan berbagai ujian. Kadang-kadang, kita benar-benar inginkan seseorang untuk berada di sisi mendengar keluhan kita. Yang peliknya, tatkala itu, keluarga seperti tidak mendapat tempat.

Pabila kita dalam kesenangan, bukan main orang berlitar sekeliling kita. Sebaliknya, saat kita dalam keadaan gundah-gulana, sengsai atau nestapa, satu-satu ibarat menghambung-hambungkan kesibukan.

Seringkali kita mengatakan, " Aku adalah aku," atau pada lain istilah, " I am what I am. "

Sejauh manakah kekata kita itu ? Bukankah kita sering dibayangi rakan-rakan kita, yang kemudiannya membuat kita ingin melakukan sesuatu untuk menyenangkannya, walaupun pada dasarnya dia atau mereka tidak meminta pun ? Sebagai contoh, sewaktu di sekolah, kita sering berfikiran bahawa apa yang kita lakukan di'tontoni' atau di'awasi' ramai. Kita akan secara tidak langsung bersifat ibarat pacal yang tunduk pada rajanya. Apa orang suruh buat, kita lakukan, tanpa berfikir dua kali. Bak kata pepatah, "Bagai lembu dicucuk hidung." Nah.. di sini kita dapat lihat, sejauh manakah kebenaran pada kekata "Aku adalah aku."

Seseorang yang bijak seharusnya peka akan perasaan kawan-kawannya. Tidak kiralah kawan baik, mahupun kawan biasa. Hatta orang awam. Memang kadang-kadang, kita umpama dipaksa 'menyuluh' kebenaran itu, tapi bukankah Islam sudah mengajarkan kita agar sentiasa menghormati sesama insan ?

Renungkan-renungkanlah hadith berikut:   
       Daripada Nu'man bin Basyiir katanya, telah bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w.:- 

"Anda lihat orang-orang yang beriman itu dalam (keadaan) saling kasih-mengasihi, cinta-mencintai dan tolong-menolong, seperti sebatang tubuh, kalau ada salah satu anggota terkena penyakit, seluruh batang tubuh ikut menderita tidak dapat tidur dan mnderita panas." ( صحيح البخاري )

Berbalik pada topik. Pabila kita mendapat perhatian ramai, atau dalam istilah inggerisnya (yang sudah dimelayukan) popular, sebilangan daripada kita merasakan bahawa apa yang diujarkan kita tidak menyinggung perasaan, dan pihak yang mendengarkannya seharusnya memahami kata-katanya. Akan tetapi, tidak semua mampu menerimanya. Justeru, saya ingin menasihat kepada pembaca serta diri saya sendiri agar sentiasa 'beralas' ketika berbicara. Usah 'lepas' sahaja. Tidak dinafikan sebahagian daripada kita 'laser'.. tapi bukankah itu merupakan 'tanggungjawab' kita untuk menjaganya?

InsyaAllah jika kita dapat menjadikan sesuatu yang negatif itu luput dari kehidupan kita, nescaya akan aman dunia ini. Kita haruslah menjadikan setiap sesuatu yang negatif itu lupus atau hilang sebagai kebiasaan harian. Pepatah melayu pernah menyatakan, " Habis geli oleh geletek, habis rasa(bisa) oleh biasa. " Sesuatu yang kurang menyenangkan itu akan hilang, apabila sudah menjadi kebiasaan.

Oleh itu, bersamalah kita, menuju ke arah kebaikan. Tidakkah kita berasa senang apabila melihat orang lain terutamanya saudara seislam kita turut bahagia ?

Sampai disini sahaja coretan saya sebagai hambaNya mengenai adat resam kehidupan.
Sehingga bertemu lagi di lain kesempatan.
ps.: Harap maaf atas bahasa saya yang kadangnya tidak dapat difahami. Maklum sajalah, saya hanya seorang pelajar. :)
Wassalaamu'alaikum warahmatuLLahi wabarakaatuh.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My male schoolmates..


Alhamdulillah, feel much better now. My male schoolmates, let's begin..

1) Dayyan: The archer. The whole Singapore knows him. Who doesn't ? He's kinda shy actually, but anyways, he's made Singapore proud. He's also good at drawing, art stuffs. I've known him to be kind, loyal and faithful. He will immediately asks for forgiveness if he feels that he's in the wrong.

2) Abdullah Rahman: One of a kind. Sure miss him laa.. His attitude towards work is beyond questions. He's a very passionate and dedicated learner. Sometimes, even the smallest things he would ask.

3) Adam: I've known him to be a loyal friend. Sometimes, i do feel that he feels disheartened at the fact that he could not score well in his studies, but frankly, i do think that he majors in language subjects, such as English and Malay language.

4) Siraaj: Though we're of different sects, i know that that will not affect our friendship. I've known him to be quite secretive and smart. One thing that i liked about him is that he is not one who 'truly' boasts. Sometimes may be, but i know he didn't mean it. It's just his way to probably make a trademark.

5) Ammar: Wow. Envy his dedication towards his studies. Can't hold a candle to him laa. I'm sure he would succeed in life. I've also known him to be very loyal to his friends. If he says he can't tell you, he won't tell. Believe me.

6) Hudzaifah: He was once a prefect ! Kinda hard to believe it at first..heheh.. nah, that shows that he is indeed a clever guy. I've known him to be a loyal and a smart guy. Personally, i do feel that he is good at Maths. It's just that he is yet to fully realised it.

7) Istiqamah: Haa ! This one ah.. always talks about girls... haha... I've known him to be a flirt(heheh..) and a smart 'boy'.. He's good at maths mind you ! He's also very knowleadgeable. Personally i do think that he is a fast learner.

8) Khair Amran: This guy ah.. woah, can be secretive at times.. but niwaes, sitting beside him has made me realise the importance of friendship. We always tend to 'discuss first' before coming to a decision.haha...

9) Muhammad: English is his forte. He's also good at maths and 'nahu'. He would always say, " serious ah, give up sey.. " when he thought he couldn't do it... but actually it's the contrary.

10) Fadhil: A mysterious guy i can say. I've known him to be good at the theologic. He also have this strong ambition of pursuing his studies at Madinah. InsyaAllah.

11) Hanafee: A hard-headed young man. I've known him to be good at academics. He is also a fast learner i can say.

12) Hazim: When it comes to Ant's handwriting, it's him.. haha.. i've known him to be good at Maths and Science. It is just that he is yet to fully realised it.

13) Hazwan: Gay boy... jkjk... i've known him to be very jovial. Branded goods are his fashion. He is also good at Malay.

14) Iswandi: a Fashionista.haha.. Besides being good at the academics, he also have a talent in drawing and baking. His handwriting is one of a kind.

15) Khair Azmi: another gay boy.. hehehe.. never fails to smile.. even when he was scolded at times.. I've known him to be a loyal and a friendly guy.. his looks melts Saddam.. hehe... Maths is his strong point.

16) Khidhir: The guy that 'reformed' within a split second. Alhamdulillah, BaarakaLLaahu fiik. He is very commited towards his studies. I've known him as someone who doesn't easily give up.

17) Syafiq: One of a kind guy. Can be irritating at times.. hehe.. Sometimes i do think that he feels shy in expressing his thoughts. He is also one who loves the theologic. He used to be a 'joker' and one who is good at drawing.

18) Yamin: Another clone of Khidhir. Alhamdulillah. not an imitation though. I've known him to be good at maths, science and arabic. He is a fast learner. An observant too.

19) Hidayat: One word, genius. He have this kind of extraordinary capacity of intellect. I think, he makes a good politician or a lecturer.

20) Nashruddeen: Known him for nearly 4 years. Mysterious, smart and an adviser. Can be 'really funny' at times.

21) Nufail: A fickle-minded guy.

22) Saddam: This guy ah.. never fail(s/ed) to dig up others' secrets. knows almost everything that happened in school.hahah... Fiqh, maths and malay ( sometimes english too ) are his points. His general aptitude have since made many envious.

23) Wazirullah: A mysterious guy i can say, can be secretive and funny at times. Can't hold a candle to his maths skills. I've known him to be quite a shy and a quiet guy. What i like about him is that he doesn't boasts. His way of teaching maths really can make someone feel that maths is indeed an easy subject.

24) Zubair: Never fails to enlighten many. His jokes sometimes can be lame, but still, we laugh. haha.. An Australian guy which i've yet to hear his accent. I've known him to be smart and irritating..hahah...

25) Zulzawaid: Future Mufti insyaAllah. A very kind, friendly, responsible, caring, funny and an intelligent guy. He's not just good at studies (both academic and theologic/ukhrawi) but also in sports.

That's all for now, until next time !
 ps.: Sorry if i've hurt any of u in any way.. i know i can be 'over' at times.. please, do forgive me.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cabaran demi dugaan..


Kini kuakan bicara dalam Bahasa Ibundaku, iaitu Bahasa Melayu. Tajuk yang diketengahkan hari ini adalah "Cabaran demi dugaan".

Ia bukanlah bermaksudkan cinta atau masalah sesama kawan, tapi lebih kepada 'sakit'. Semalam, tanggal 22hb November, aku mengalami sakit perut, sehingga(kan) sukar bagiku untuk berjalan. Hatta ingin bersolat. Oleh itu, aku mengambil jalan pintas iaitu untuk bersolat dalam keadaan berduduk. Aku hanya bisa bergerak dengan sedikit.

Selepas solat maghrib, aku cuba untuk 'menenangkan' perutku, dengan berbaring yang selepasnya, tidur. Akan tetapi, aku tidak mampu untuk tidur dengan cara biasaku, iaitu bertiarap. Ini kerana pada masa yang sama, aku mengalami selesema. Hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu betapa 'perit'nya hidupku semalam.

Pabila aku terlena sebentar (waktu berbaring di atas katil), aku tidak dapat merasakan 'kepuasan' tidurnya. Manakan tidak, lebih kurang 50 minit sahaja, aku akan terbangun semula. Dengan keadaan perutku yang masih belum pulih, ditambah pula dengan selesema. Cubaan demi ujian.

Aku melihat waktu di telefon bimbitku. 21+. Waktu itu, aku benar-benar rasakan 21 itu adalah jam 10 malam ! Dengan keadaan 'kancong', aku mula cekalkan diri lalu bangun ke ruang tamu dan kemudian ke dapur. Lah.. pukul sembilan rupanya.

Sambil menonton televisyen, aku menyapu rotiku denga kaya kacang dan mentega. Lalu kucelupkannya ke air strawberi(jika tidak salahlah) yang panas atau hangat-hangat. Waktu itu, alhamdulillah, peritnya sudah mula menghilang. Syukurku dihadapkan pada yang Esa.

Tika jam di dinding menunjukkan pukul 10:30 malam, aku mula menonton rancangan 'Mentor' di Sensasi. Sebelum-sebelumnya, menonton NatGeo Wild. Memang tidak dinafikan kami sekeluarga gemar menonton saluran-saluran sebegini, lebih-lebih lagi mengenai binatang-binatang yang terancam atau buas seperti Singa dan Harimau.

Pada jam 11 setengah malam begitu, Iswandi menghantar mesej menanyakan jika dia boleh menghubungiku. Tika di telefon, dia menanyakan jika aku masih memerlukan atau mahukan pekerjaan. Aku pun menjawab ya. haha..Dia memberiku nombor telefon kawannya, dari Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah, Khairul Hamizan.

Mesej punya mesej, ia adalah Telemarketing, di Masjid Hajjah Rahimabi. Dengan setiap seorang yang ingin menderma, aku akan menerima $3 sebagai wang komisi. Aku sanggup memikul tanggungjawab itu, cuma.. lokasinya agak jauh. Akan kurenung-renungkan. :)

ps.: Kenapalah kerja-kerja yang ditawarkan kepadaku, semuanya jauh-jauh seperti di Balestier dan Serangoon.. cabaran demi ujian..

Sehingga ketemu di lain kesempatan,

Monday, November 22, 2010

An introduction


Name given, Nufail. Born in a family of 8, including me myself. One mother and a father plus 4 brothers (i'm the 5th though; i.e e youngest.. :)) and a grandfather.

Mango, Dark blue, White, Brown, Black n Eight are of my favourites. I am an introvert to start with, but it can be overcome though, at times.

Unlike many others, i don't really have any significant ambitions or goals. What i know is, i wanna impart my knowledge, that is, to see how far i know of this world and/or surroundings. In the past, i would very much like or love to go to Ummul Quraa at Makkah to further my studies, but as time passes, my strong intention of going there slowly subsides. I don't noe, mayb it was due to the hormones or probably.. hmm, nah i don noe..

I still remember the times when i got 70+ for my first Maths Mid Year Paper in Secondary One, n it was like, woah.. to me. Well that was simply because i never ever thought that i could even score a B3 in the maths paper. As the clock ticks by, it became harder and harder, or should i say, I myself became lazier and lazier. Maths is an 'application' subject, how can i still keep failing it ? Well the only word that can truly explain the term failure in the maths paper is 'careless'. Yaa, indeed that is all to me. Once, or many times, i was quite envious of my friends' results, specifically in maths. They can easily score an A1 or A2. While me, a just C5 or C6, worse still, a D7 or an F9. Still remember this saying by one of my friends, Wazirullah, " tkde org tk pndai/bodo, malas je "... indeed it's true. Thank you my friend.

At primary levels, it was Ummul Quraa, but at Secondary levels ( well at least for 4 years; i.e. Sec 1 - 4 ), i was aiming for the academic, that is pre-U. However, in Secondary 5, i was bemused, confused. Am i on the academic or the theologic ? As for now, i think it's best for me to decide of which streams to go to the moment i get my O level results. I need to do my research on each institutions before though.

Starting from the worst scenario, 1st: Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah
                                               2nd: Republic Polytechnic
                                                3rd: Millenia Institute.

Basically, that's all i think, O Allah, please.. let there be a miracle.
ps.: Thank you Hafizuddeen Khalis for the constructive criticism, specifically on my future planning. Thank you.
