Rasanya, sudah agak lama aku tidak menulis di sini. Kebelakangan ini, fikiranku begitu kecamuk. Aku tidak tahu, mungkin kerana aku terlalu tertekan. Tambahan pula, aku sekarang berada di peringkat Pra-U. Pelajaran-pelajaran yang kuambil pun boleh dikatakan susah dan lebih mendalam. Mungkin ramai yang masih ingat bahawa pelajar aliran Akademik tidaklah begitu tertekan berbanding mereka yang berada di aliran Ukhrawi. Namun ingin kutekankan di sini bahawa ia tidaklah sedemikian. Aku tidak nafikan bahawa matapelajaran yang aku ambil tidaklah sebanyak mereka yang di aliran Ukhrawi, namun matapelajaran yang kuambil pun tidak kurang susah dan dalamnya. Sebagai contoh, Economics(H2) dan Mathematics(H1). Bayangkan, menurut temanku yang berada di Maktab Rendah Yishun, Economics merupukan matapelajaran yang paling susah bagi H1. Inikan aku di sini, mengambil H2.
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusanku.
Seterusnya, Bahas 4PM. Aku tidak terpilih. Pada awal ujibakat, iaitu yang yang pertama, aku berjaya melangkah ke peringkat seterusnya (wah.. dah macam Anugerah..hehe). Namun pada ujibakat yang kedua, aku tewas. Ya aku mengaku, mindaku tika dan saat itu tidak begitu tenteram. Mungkin kerana itulah aku gagal. Walaupun begitu, tidak mengapa, pasti ada hikmah di sebaliknya..:) Bagi yang merasa aku lebih layak dan sebagainya, usah risau. Aku yakin mereka yang terpilih lebih baik daripada aku. Kalau memang benar aku lebih layak sekalipun, atau aku lebih terserlah sekalipun, pasti ada yang lebih menyerlah daripadaku. Sesungguhnya aku hanya manusia biasa, yang tidak sempurna.
Selain itu, inginku kongsi satu perkara. Percayakah anda jika aku mengatakan yang aku tidaklah sebenarnya meminati Bahasa Melayu; dan sebaliknya meminati Bahasa Arab? Aku tidak tahu sama ada aku berlaku jujur pada diriku atau tidak. Yang pasti, sejak aku kecil lagi, aku memang cenderung pada bidang ilmu Bahasa Arab. Namun, apabila aku melangkah ke peringkat Menengah pula, tiba-tiba diriku diselaputi dengan perasaan inginkan kerja yang membawa pulang keuntungan yang lumayan. Dalam sekelip mata sahaja, lupus segala minat pada Bahasa Arab. Apabila aku mendapati diriku sudah tidak punya sebarang matapelajaran terbaik, aku cuba beralih ke Bahasa Melayu. Setelah mendapati diriku antara pelajar terbaik dalam Bahasa Melayu, maka cetuslah secara tidak langsung minatku untuk menjadi seorang guru Bahasa Melayu. Tambahan pula, guru Bahasa Ibunda semakin berkurangan di Singapura. Namun minat itu bukanlah berteraskan minat dalam diri, namun minat pada pulangannya yang lumayan.
Kebelakangan ini, Alhamdulillah, minatku terhadap Bahasa Arab semakin menghidup. Namun aku tidak pasti sama ada ianya sudah terlambat atau tidak. Tambahan pula, 'Nahu', yang pernah menjadi subjek kegemaranku, merupakan antara matapelajaran terlemah aku sekarang. Tanpa Nahu, bagaimana mungkin aku mampu untuk membina walau sepotong ayat, memandangkan kita hidup di dalam konteks Singapura; di mana Bahasa Inggeris merupakan bahasa perantaraan, atau dalam istilah Latinnya, lingua franca. Aku buntu, bingung. Terkadang, aku merasa benar-benar menyesal tidak ke Polytechnic. Manakan tidak, kursus yang ditawarkan merupakan kursus pilihanku; yang hanya ada di Polytechnic itu sahaja. Namun, memandangkan aku sudah pilih jalan ini, iaitu untuk mengambil A levels, aku harus redha. Pasti ada hikmah di sebalik sebarang yang berlaku. Namun persoalannya sekarang, Makkah/Madinah atau Singapura?
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusanku, permudahkanlah urusan hambaMu yang lemah ini.
Selanjutnya, komentarku menganai Seminar atau Forum CLF. Sebelum kuteruskan, inginku terangkan serba sedikit mengenai Forum tersebut. Forum CLF(Community Leaders' Forum) yang aku pergi waktu itu disertai oleh semua pelajar Pra-Universiti Tahun satu; yang melibatkan pelajar-pelajar daripada Maktab Rendah, Insititut Millenia dan Madrasah. Apa yang ingin dibincangkan adalah mengenai masa depan masyarakat Melayu/Islam Singapura. Terus terang kukatakan aku tidak berapa puas hati dengan jawapan-jawapan atau sambutan yang diberikan. Sungguh berat sebelah, sungguh sekular; duniawi. Mengapa diselitkan istilah 'Islam' selepas garis mereng jika hendak membicara mengenai hal duniawi sahaja? Bukankah kita akan, pada akhirnya, kembali padaNya; iaitu yang Esa? Apabila aku ke hadapan dan memberikan maklum balasku mengenai hal orang Melayu/Islam yang keberatan untuk mengaku dirinya sebagai seorang Muslim, keadaan terus menjadi riuh-rendah. Setelah aku kembali ke tempat dudukku, satu pelajar daripada salah sebuah insititut yang kusebutkan tadi, berdiri, menjelaskan bahawa dirinya bangga menjadi seorang Muslim; sebelum menyatakan kebimbangannya menganai masyarakat Melayu/Islam Singapura. Tidakkah beliau faham akan apa yang ingin kusampaikan? Siapa saja mampu mengaku dirinya seorang Muslim, di khalayak masyarakat sebangsa atau seagama beliau, namun beranikah beliau mengaku sedemikian di khalayak mereka yang bukan beragama Islam? Tepuk dada, tanya Iman.
Masa berlalu begitu pantas. Tidak lama lagi, ujian akan bermula.
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusanku.
Aku rasa sudah agak panjang tulisanku kali ini.
Dari itu,
ps: Selamat tinggal kawanku Iqbal. Semoga kejayaan berada di sisimu kelak. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan temanku ini. Ingat, biar kita dibenci, jangan kita membenci; biar kita disakiti, jangan kita menyakiti; dan biar kita dihina, jangan kita menghina.
Sebagai seorang hamba, aku sedar yang kesempurnaan secara tuntas itu tidak mungkin akan kukecapi. Kupanjatkan syukur atas kurniaan rezeki yang tidak pernah lupus dalam hidup. Justeru, aku hanya menginginkan kebahagian di samping kesederhanaan. Semoga Allah memberkati hidupku.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Interesting yet challenging.
Interesting yet challenging. That will be the topic for today's post.
One very vital subject in the A levels is the General Paper or GP. It requires us to know the surroundings and stuff like that. General Paper do also covers Sports, Health, Media, Education, Gender issues, Poverty and so on and so forth. Of those, only 5 are the ubiquitous sort, and they are Science&Tech, Environment, Politics, Religion and Philosophy. Though it may seem to be 'only' 5, it is, undoubtedly, very scary. Scary in the sense it is very hectic. You will have to make yourself comfortable with all those philosophical, alien-like words and terms. It's a MUST i supposed. Dictionaries (preferably the online one as it's faster) should be on your side at any point of time.
Next up will be the Malay/Sastera. H1 for Malay alone, and H2 also with Malay but with the touch of the Malay Literature. Once we're in the Pre-U level, reading takes a huge role. It is one of the most important factor that will lead us to success. You will have to get used with all those sentimental, flowery sentences. Proverbs and stuff like that should all be in our head by now. Supposed. haha.
Tasawwuf is something which I do not, frankly, till now believe in it. I mean, it is something which is too abstract, deep in the sense that i think may gone overboard. Ruuhul Quddus(Purified soul or somehting like that) for example. While i was reading a book on it, i was like, why was it so complicated? There wasn't even a 'dalil' or evidence to support the term Ruuhul Quddus. Nevertheless, i will still try my best to fully understand the concept of Tasawwuf. InsyaAllah.
Sejarah Perundangan Islam or SPI. I don't know, for some reason i think there's too much information. It is interesting though. Just that i find it hard to memorise some of the points as i tend to be forgetful by nature. Just hope i could really master or at least have a more-than-70% knowledge of it before the A levels.
As for Akidah, Usul Fiqh, 'Ulum Hadith and 'Ulum Qur-an. I have no comments on it. InsyaAllah I'll do just fine.
Arabic Language really do, to me, requires a lot of effort in learning. You have to have the interest in it. You cannot just just depend on one book (i.e the school's book), you have to be diligent enough to read Arabic articles on the net etc. I do love Arabic, i do have the interest in it. Just that i lack the effort in studying, learning for it.
Proceed with the Mathematics. Though i'm just taking the H1, i don't know why for some reason, i have no confidence in it. I can do the worksheets and all, but when it comes to the real test or examination, i will tend to get panic, nervous, blackout and things like that. As a result, i will be the one at loss. Duh.. O Allah, ease my undertakings, give me the strength to face all of these with an open mind.
Last but not least, Economics. It's beginning to drive me crazy. We started off with just simple, basic things about the world economy, status of a country and stuff like that. As time goes by, we moved on to Demand&Supply, one of the most basic or fundamental element in Economics. At first it seemed easy, but as time passes, we have to get to know what's happening around us, as to what really affects the demand and supply of a product, in an economic persepective, with reference to the world economic crisis and not merely Singapore as a whole.
To some people, i look like a smart, pious student etc.. but in real life, I'm far from it. To those, I beg of you to please stop having high hopes on me. Just because my brothers are all smart people, it doesn't make me smart as well. I know it may be a motivation to some, but definitely not me i supposed. You can still seek me if you have any problems pertaining to your personal lives or studies but i cannot really confirmed to you 100% that I will be able to answer your questions as needed. Instead, i will try my best to convey my thoughts on the question. I can be good, I can be bad. I ever got an A1, i ever got an F9. So please, treat me like a normal average student. Allahu A'lam.
With that,
ps.:The thought of having 3(4 insyaAllah) H2 subjects really make me feel inferior. For H1 even, i was like, complaining and stuff like that (GENERAL PAPER n MATHS especially).. what's more with the H2's. Can i really cope with all these subjects, terms, alien-like words and things like that? O God, do give me your strength, ease my endeavours.
Interesting yet challenging. That will be the topic for today's post.
One very vital subject in the A levels is the General Paper or GP. It requires us to know the surroundings and stuff like that. General Paper do also covers Sports, Health, Media, Education, Gender issues, Poverty and so on and so forth. Of those, only 5 are the ubiquitous sort, and they are Science&Tech, Environment, Politics, Religion and Philosophy. Though it may seem to be 'only' 5, it is, undoubtedly, very scary. Scary in the sense it is very hectic. You will have to make yourself comfortable with all those philosophical, alien-like words and terms. It's a MUST i supposed. Dictionaries (preferably the online one as it's faster) should be on your side at any point of time.
Next up will be the Malay/Sastera. H1 for Malay alone, and H2 also with Malay but with the touch of the Malay Literature. Once we're in the Pre-U level, reading takes a huge role. It is one of the most important factor that will lead us to success. You will have to get used with all those sentimental, flowery sentences. Proverbs and stuff like that should all be in our head by now. Supposed. haha.
Tasawwuf is something which I do not, frankly, till now believe in it. I mean, it is something which is too abstract, deep in the sense that i think may gone overboard. Ruuhul Quddus(Purified soul or somehting like that) for example. While i was reading a book on it, i was like, why was it so complicated? There wasn't even a 'dalil' or evidence to support the term Ruuhul Quddus. Nevertheless, i will still try my best to fully understand the concept of Tasawwuf. InsyaAllah.
Sejarah Perundangan Islam or SPI. I don't know, for some reason i think there's too much information. It is interesting though. Just that i find it hard to memorise some of the points as i tend to be forgetful by nature. Just hope i could really master or at least have a more-than-70% knowledge of it before the A levels.
As for Akidah, Usul Fiqh, 'Ulum Hadith and 'Ulum Qur-an. I have no comments on it. InsyaAllah I'll do just fine.
Arabic Language really do, to me, requires a lot of effort in learning. You have to have the interest in it. You cannot just just depend on one book (i.e the school's book), you have to be diligent enough to read Arabic articles on the net etc. I do love Arabic, i do have the interest in it. Just that i lack the effort in studying, learning for it.
Proceed with the Mathematics. Though i'm just taking the H1, i don't know why for some reason, i have no confidence in it. I can do the worksheets and all, but when it comes to the real test or examination, i will tend to get panic, nervous, blackout and things like that. As a result, i will be the one at loss. Duh.. O Allah, ease my undertakings, give me the strength to face all of these with an open mind.
Last but not least, Economics. It's beginning to drive me crazy. We started off with just simple, basic things about the world economy, status of a country and stuff like that. As time goes by, we moved on to Demand&Supply, one of the most basic or fundamental element in Economics. At first it seemed easy, but as time passes, we have to get to know what's happening around us, as to what really affects the demand and supply of a product, in an economic persepective, with reference to the world economic crisis and not merely Singapore as a whole.
To some people, i look like a smart, pious student etc.. but in real life, I'm far from it. To those, I beg of you to please stop having high hopes on me. Just because my brothers are all smart people, it doesn't make me smart as well. I know it may be a motivation to some, but definitely not me i supposed. You can still seek me if you have any problems pertaining to your personal lives or studies but i cannot really confirmed to you 100% that I will be able to answer your questions as needed. Instead, i will try my best to convey my thoughts on the question. I can be good, I can be bad. I ever got an A1, i ever got an F9. So please, treat me like a normal average student. Allahu A'lam.
With that,
ps.:The thought of having 3(4 insyaAllah) H2 subjects really make me feel inferior. For H1 even, i was like, complaining and stuff like that (GENERAL PAPER n MATHS especially).. what's more with the H2's. Can i really cope with all these subjects, terms, alien-like words and things like that? O God, do give me your strength, ease my endeavours.
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